Bus Stops and School Lookup

  • All bus routes and stops are reassessed every year and determined according to student needs. Bus schedules, with times and locations of morning bus stops, are published on the school district website in August.  Elementary and middle school students who are eligible for transportation will be assigned to a bus and receive notification in August.

    Find Bus Stops

    To look up the bus stop information, use Find Bus Numbers and Stop Times (during normal operation)*

    Contact your child's school if:

    • you have moved and need to change transportation
    • you would like to verify your child's bus assignment
    • you have a question about pickup or drop-off

    Contact the District Transportation Office at (603) 966-1055 if:

    • you would like to request a different pickup or drop-off location
    • you have questions about transportation eligibility
    • you have moved and need to change transportation

    Contact the bus company (First Student) at (603) 883-0251 if

    • your student's bus is running late and you would like an estimated time of arrival
    • your student has left an item on a bus
    • your child will be absent from riding the bus

    School Lookup

    To look up the school that your child will be attending based on the street where you live, use School Lookup. Please give this page a minute to load.      

    Should you have questions or concerns regarding school transportation or safe walking routes at any time during the year, please contact your school office or the District’s Transportation Department at (603) 966-1055.  Please email all inquiries regarding the safety of bus stops or routes to the transportation director at transportation@nashua.edu.